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Dear Mr. Studlyhunk,

Recently, I engaged in an activity banned by most schools in America and though I hang my head in shame, I can no longer ignore the question that has plagued me ever since I engaged in this evil deed.
I admit I read a book, an act equivocal with the deadliest of sins. Repeatedly, this book referred to Hitler’s description of Nazi Germany as the, “Motherland.” Am I wrong in drawing an odd and slightly disturbing parallel with George W. Bush’s description of the United States as the, “Homeland?” With all of the intelligence, good looks and charm you possess, I hope you may be able to solve my quandary.
Yours Sincerely,

Shameful in LA


Dear Shameful,

First of all, you have nothing to be ashamed of! Reading is an excellent hobby. Keep it up!

Secondly, I can easily see where one might draw a disturbing parallel between Hitler and George W. Bush. Neither of these men have much in the way of looks. They are pasty white, with dull hair and puny muscles. I think it is very observant of you to draw a parallel between them. Obvsiouly neither one of them can be a very good leader, if they can't even maintain a six-pack and a decent tan!

Keep on reading,

Mr. Studlyhunk

