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West Nile Virus


Dear Mr. Studlyhunk,

I'm very up to date on current events and am very nervous about the West Nile Virus invading our country through our common house mosquito. I'm dumping out the standing water in the old tires around my house, but just doesn't seem enough to hinder mosquito breeding. What is your plan for prevention?


Worried in Appalachia


Dear Worried,

Make sure that you don't allow rainwater to collect in any containers outside — that is where mosquitos love to breed. You should also keep your shrubs and grass trimmed, as these attract mosquitos. You could put up some purple martin and bluebird houses — those birds like to eat mosquitos!

Make sure all your windows have screens, and if you're outside don't forget to wear plenty of insect repellent!

Meanwhile, there are several scientists working on a vaccine for the West Nile Virus, and I have been corresponding with them on a regular basis, contributing my medical knowledge and scientific insights. Unfortunately, I can't post details about our progress, since it is top secret information and I have taken an oath of silence.

Stay bite-free,

Mr. Studlyhunk

